Some additional precautionary measures at home are mentioned below:
1. Entrance doors should remain closed and locked.
It is mandatory to shut your main/entrance doors. Keeping doors closed while you are at home alone or with your family is the right thing to do and always locking the door properly when you go out is crucial.
Even if your area is one of the safest areas, it doesn't matter how safe is the area you are living in, being careful is the wisest and smartest choice you can make.
Always ensure that your kids go out and play after seeking your permission. Another major thing to be taken care of is to make sure that if you have children below 5 years, they are not opening the door themselves when the bell rings.
You should teach your children to always permit an adult person to answer the door.
2. Safeguard your home from theft and burglaries
Keeping your home guarded doesn't need you to do something very fancy. On the contrary, safety just needs some simple and basic steps to be followed.
You should always stay cautioned and remember when it comes to locking the doors while going out even if it is for a short period of time and always double check the door.
You should never leave a spare key or any key under the mat or at any other place that can be easily accessible by people.
The easiest way via which burglars enter your home is by getting a hold of your keys.
Another cautionary step is to never label your house keys with your name or address. This is one of the easiest ways to pass on your personal information to random people.
2. Stay cautioned while using power tools and equipment
According to Consumer Product Safety Commission, people get hurt badly while dealing with hand and power tools every year. Such injuries have adverse effects on people in the context to their financial situations.
For proper safety you should follow below mentioned instructions:
- Keep cords and pipes away from heat, oil, and razor-sharp edges.
- Be careful by holding the equipment tightly and free both hands from any unnecessary items so that you can easily operate the tool.
- You should maintain tools with utmost care and keep them sharp and clean for the best performance.
- Follow the guidelines carefully given in the user's manual for polishing and changing accessories.
3. Set aside all hazardous materials safely
Generally, there are various household products that contain chemicals that can result in severe injuries or even death if not handled with care, i.e. stored or used properly.
Some of these products contain high-risk and hazardous chemicals such as floor cleaners, oven cleaners, toilet cleaners, liquid drain openers, antifreeze, chrome-wheel cleaners, rust removers, gasoline, motor oil, lead paint, turpentine, lacquer thinner, and muriatic acid.
Before using any chemical product, read the entire ingredients of that product and the label consists of all the instructions which will guide on certain significant things such as:
- Ideal and proper usage of protective equipment,
- How to operate the chemicals
- Way to encounter the case of emergencies
- It will also tell you whether or not the substance is flammable, eroding, or might be the root cause of cancer.
- It will reveal whether one should use eye protection, gloves, or other appliances.
- Buy high-quality personal protective equipment, for instance, gloves or goggles and ensure that you clean them properly.
- Always stay cautioned against all the hazardous materials that might come in contact with you. To stay safe, you should learn about the features and risk dangers involved in using them.
- Reading the ingredients of chemicals, in brief, is not enough as not knowing about the ingredient in detail can be extremely dangerous. Read the entire list of ingredients very carefully before you start using any product.
- Handle, store, and get rid of hazardous materials safely and according to approved procedures. Never pour them down sewers or drains.
- Never blend perilous materials unless you are fully aware that you are doing it safely. There are numerous products that can lead to brutal reactions or release poisonous smoke after getting mixed together.
- There are a few chemicals like acids that should be stored separately from each other.
4. Learn about fire safety and smoke detectors
Smoke alarms play a significant role in everyone's lives as it has saved millions of lives if installed appropriately.
How does it work?
If by chance, your house caught fire, the smoke will spread at a speedy rate but if you have a smoke alarm installed, you will have time to get out of the house.
A closed door might slow the speed at which smoke, heat, and fire spread. You should also install smoke alarms in every sleeping room along with every other room of your household and install alarms on every level of the home.
Smoke alarms should be interconnected and large households need additional smoke alarms.
Always test your smoke alarms at least once a month to ensure that it is working properly. For instance, to ensure its working condition, you have to press the test button.
5. Prevent electrical hazards by using appliances safely
Electric shock is another crucial electrical hazard at home that can lead to death through heart failure.
What to do?
- Always keep your appliances dry
It is extremely important to keep your electrical appliances dry as electricity and water together is the worst combination and result in electrocution.
If the electrical device fell off your hand into the water while you were using it, immediately shut off the power supply at your home’s electrical panel before you unplug the device or you began to retrieve it.
It is advisable to get your appliance checked properly by a genuine appliance technician and ensure that it is still safe to use once it is dry.
- Make sure your electrical outlets are safe
Electrical safety outlet aims at protecting your family as it reduces electrical hazards at home especially when you have young children.
These kinds of devices prevent the risk of getting an electric shock as it protects your kids from sticking their fingers or small items like pins or paper clips into the outlets. The best option is to replace your normal outlets with Tamper Resistant Receptacles (TRR). They are so much more than normal receptacles. It offers a permanent solution with regards to prevention from childhood shock when children tamper with electrical outlets. Following are some additional and mandatory guidelines on safety rules at home for that needs to be implemented to ensure safety:
Rule 1: Always Keep The Doors Locked
If you are at your home, you should be shutting your door properly from the inside and if you are going somewhere out, you should lock it from the outside. You might be living in one of the safest environments and have the most secure neighborhood, but you have to be very careful when it comes to your household. Along with eliminating the cases of theft, it also makes note of your children's day-to-day activities and makes sure that they do not go out without supervision. A home is a place where you are supposed to get the ultimate serenity and peace at the end of the day.
This rule should make sure that kids should not go out without permission from their parents or guardians and they should not bring random people unannounced to their house.
Rule 2: Store medicine kit in a safe cabinet
Medicine kits or first aid kits should be kept in a safe place as it is something that needs to be handled with care by the elders.
Keeping this at a secure place means keeping it out of the reach of children so that they do not consume it by mistake.
This is something that should not be ignored by anyone. Also, the risk is not restricted to kids but also to some adults.
There are people who suffer from some major mental health problems and it is the job of other family members to keep the medicine box out of the site of people who are suffering.
It is always good to guarantee that all the items with which they can cause harm to themselves should always be out of their site reach.
Another major case is elderly people who use drugs for several illnesses. Moreover, there is a crucial need to ensure that they are taking the correct amount of prescription. It is highly recommended in their case that they are given a prescription at the time advised by the physician and take back the remainder for safekeeping.
Rule 3: Keep your floor dry
Keeping your floor dry for all time is important as wet floor can cause harm and critical injuries. Most accidents at house happen on wet floors. You should also give your children proper guidance to make sure they mop the floor properly in case they spill water or other drinks while eating. Make sure they do until it soaks the entire water and let the floor dry before they go ahead and walk. Spilling things are quite common in the home but it is mandatory to let every family member know the importance of managing the spilling
Rule 4: Always have a ready emergency exit plan
Exit plans should always be ready with you as unexpected and unpredictable situations can happen anytime and lead to accidents.
Exit plans are crucial as it ensures your family's safety.
Have you seen the emergency exit plans prepared by private enterprises?
If you have, then you should understand the need of getting a plan ready for your household too so that you can protect your house and loved ones in case of such emergencies.
Designing an emergency plan should be a common and essential part of your home safety regime because it makes you ready for a safe and secure evacuation. Safety equipment including a first aid kit, a flashlight, a fire extinguisher, and a whistle are great in such emergency situations. Along with a proper plan, it is equally necessary to teach every family member inclusive of your kids on what to do in case of an emergency and how to move out of the house.
For instance, the first and foremost thing to do in case of an emergency is to react fast while avoiding panic.
Rule 6: Ensure proper functionality of alarm systems
Installing an alarm system and ensuring that it is in proper working condition is important as it warns you in case of some unusual activity going on around you. Due to modification in technology, there is a wide range of alarm systems present in the market to guarantee you and your loved ones safety and security. These alarms are particularly designed in a way that meets your safety standards. For instance, a smoke alarm warns you as it beeps after it detects anomalous levels of smoke.
Another example is motion sensors that observe and detects any unusual movement around your house and alerts you in such disturbing scenarios. Another creative device is a carbon monoxide alarm as the excessive release of this gas can be dangerous and life-threatening if it gets mixed with fire or heat. It alerts you the moment the level of carbon monoxide in the house surpasses the suggested percentage. With innovation entering the market, you can easily link home alarms with your smartphone so that you can easily reach your home on time and save your loved ones if there is any hazard.
(However, this can prove to be disastrous, especially due to the fact that carbon monoxide gas cannot be detected by smell. It is, therefore, imperative to ensure that the alarm is installed and constantly checked to determine that it is working.)
Rule 6: Turn on security lights every night
Invaders tend to break into the house when you are having a sound sleep. You should make a habit to turn on the security lights at night so that you have clear visibility of your surroundings for the security cameras installed.
It is important that security lights installed in your colony or society are working properly so that even if some unusual activity is happening, you can witness it even from some distance.
Rule 7: Keep certain rooms Locked
There is a lot more emphasis on keeping the front door locked to keep intruders away from entering the house.
There are certain rooms in the house that needs to be taken care of much more than other rooms of the house as they are an open invitation for burglars. The laundry room is one of those rooms that should always be locked with precaution. Children are naive, full of curiosity, and always active. For parents, it sometimes becomes difficult to follow them everywhere so it is the smartest choice to ensure that they should stay at a particular place that is extremely safe for them.
The laundry room is just one of the rooms that need to be guarded with utmost safety and precautions but apart from this kitchen is another room that needs to be taken care of, the reason being that it consists of crucial items that are within the reach of children.
Electrical appliances, sharp objects, and other sensitive items are found in the kitchen so it is the responsibility of parents to take care of such things. Such sensitive objects should be kept very carefully inside the locked cabinets which should only be accessed by elders.
Apart from this fact, one should be on the lookout that it doesn't fall into the hands of the wrong people.
Rule 8: Never give out personal information to people on the internet
Today, social media has become a firm bridge between two or more people and has made it so easy to know about each other’s daily activities in detail. For instance, the place you are visiting at present, your daily routine, your family member's personal information, and much more. As spectacular as this sounds, it has allowed intruders to invade your privacy.
Infinite types of dangers are lurking over the Internet and everyone at home should have the mandatory information so that they can save themselves from becoming the next victim. Yes, the Internet is playing a huge role in our life and it may be a bit challenging to have safety rules for each and everything. However, understanding and spreading awareness of several dangers that people can encounter with regard to the internet is mandatory. This will make people to know what not to do to protect themselves from such intruders.
Hence, people should always be telling the hazardous consequences of sharing any kind of personal information via the Internet as it will mean inviting someone to their home.