So all in all, with the help of Sheikh Zayed Housing Programme different groups of home seekers can find their property in UAE and the main concern of the Programme is to eradicate the difficulties of investment and let the seekers be in their dreams homes.
Now let us close this by adding up some important FAQs on Sheikh Zayed Housing Programme:-
Q- What is required after issuing a housing assistance decision?
Apply the requirement of opening the implementation file.
Q- What are the reasons for the delay in issuing the approval decision?
The government is already working on its current plan to allocate 1,726 housing units and to make the process easier and simpler the government is determining the need of an individual by scaling the groups on the basis of 3 main aspects- Social, financial and residential aspect.
Q- How can the data of the submitted housing assistance application be updated?
With the help of the website or Ministry’s services application, the housing support applicant can be updated in the real time.
Q- Can Gulf citizens like Saudi apply for housing Sheikh Zayed?
The applicant must be a citizen that is the first and foremost criteria to keep in mind, and rest there are different aspects to watch.
Q- What are the working hours of this program?
8:00 am to 14:00 pm from Sunday to Thursday and the call center timings are 7:30 am to 7:30 pm from Sunday to five.
Q- What is meant by initial and final approval?
The name of the applicant in the general list based on the points system in preparation to obtain grant or loan, and for final approval issuance of the decision for granting of the user to either the grant or the loan.
Q- How many homes will be handed to citizens by 2022 under Sheikh Zayed Housing Programme?
Nearly 10,000 new homes will be delivered by 2022 to the citizens connected to Sheikh Zayed Housing Programme. And by 2026 it will build 15,800 homes for nationals in Dubai
Q- What types of properties are there in Sheikh Zayed Housing Programme?
Recently, the ministry identified 100 housing design models which blend in every type of need and desire. And they have completed 36,000 homes for Emiratis.
Q- For what Sheikh Zayed Housing Programme is mostly used?
There are following aspects for which this government program is highly used by the citizens:-
- Request Value Estimate of Accident Damage
- Request to Issue Non Objection Certificate
- Request for Bidding in Engineering Projects
- Request for Registration for Consultants, Contractors and Engineering projects Suppliers
- Request for Housing Assistance
- For the Renew of Operating Card for National Vehicles
- To Issue an Operating Card for National Vehicles
- To Cancel or Cross Off The Operating Card for National Vehicles
- To Apply Seafare’s License or to Cancel