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Things To know Before Moving To Dubai

“Hey, We Go” Moving towards a beautiful journey. As we all know Dubai is a dream for many of us to go and live a luxurious life. But nothing can quickly happen if only dreaming about it. So firstly you should choose an appropriate way to move towards the happening place Dubai.

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Things To know Before Moving To Dubai

When you make up your mind and did your paperwork, the most important tip for everyone who is moving toward Dubai is to leave any prejudice behind. However every place has advantages and disadvantages, but as per my knowledge, Dubai has more advantages rather than disadvantages.

You will find marvelous adventures and life experiences in Dubai city. There is no other place like Dubai in the whole world. Because it’s full of surprises at all-time due to its under-construction zone. In Dubai, over the year you can see running construction work everywhere because every time they are busy creating something different.

Rumours Before Moving To Dubai

There are multiple rumours we should know before moving to Dubai. People think, the Dubai government is very strict and if persons genuinely do something they will land in jail. So No! No! No! There is a big No you are not goanna land in kind of jail for doing anything. If you commit any crime according to their guidelines then they will definitely take action against you.

Rules And Prohibition In Dubai

If we talk about rules and prohibition in Dubai, then in other words discipline is most important thing in our day to day life for instance – when we were in school we used to be more sincere or disciplined due to teachers fear. And that strictness was important for our bright future. So in my opinion UAE government has some strict but good rules this kind of rules make our life disciplined. We think twice before doing something wrong.

Let’s come to the point we are gonna Share the things to know before moving Dubai:

Finding The Right Accommodation

Firstly you should think about affordable accommodation before moving somewhere. Dubai is the real estate house for many expiates so certainly you can find a good abode according to your budget. Secondly, People never plan expenses before moving somewhere, but you should plan according to your income it will save you unwanted surprises at month's end. 

For example, you can check Dubai‘s electricity or grocery rates first. You can check for affordable apartments for you before moving. Because it’s a reality many people move to Dubai thinking they will soon become milliner-that’s often not the case. If you want to live life fullest in Dubai then AED 10000-15000 a month is considered a decent salary.

Better Time Management Will Help You All Around The World

Undoubtedly, the largest benefit of pre-planning your time will help you to survive in Dubai’s busy life. If you plan your time and when you come back from work or study, you have enough time to spend on considerable part of your choice.

Nutritious food is key of good health. And if you include the element of regularity in your meal planning, then definitely you will win the race of good health. If you stay healthy then automatically you became hard worker and good performer. Because peoples are more competitive and professional in in Dubai, so you need good time management and good health.

Weekends Are Fridays Not Sunday:

Dubai is an Islamic country. They consider Friday as Holiday. So Friday and Saturday would be weekends. Your working day will start on Sunday and end on Friday. You must aware of the rules of the country to which you are going to move. 

Due to this precaution, you will stay out of riff. Sometimes, it seems unusual or strange but for staying peacefully you have to follow them. Rules are part of life in Dubai. This normally takes some time to become used to it. Avoid using alcohol in public places otherwise, you can land in Dubai Jail. In Dubai, You can’t take picture of any stranger without his or her permission.

Be Ready To Get Good Friends From All Over The World

Dubai is the preferred location for every national, as 80% of the Dubai population being formed by expats. People can find good friends from every corner of globe. This is one of best thing about Dubai. You don’t need to worry about any language barrier.

As I earlier said people are from every corner so,general communication term is English. But if you want add-on in your dictionary then you defiantly try your hand in Arabic. It’s important to have an open mind when you are planning to move Dubai. Because you goanna meet here with different culture different nationalities.

Safest Country For Ladies Or Children

Dubai is the country of zero crime rates. In Dubai a women can go out alone at night with no fear. They are providing some special treatment for ladies safety and entertainment. Like, Tuesday night is ladies night’ this can be very exciting for newcomer women in Dubai. Part friendly ladies can enjoy on Tuesday nights. Because on Tuesday Dubai’s many restaurant serves free drinks and food especially for ladies.

Ready For The Heat Wave

Those are moving Dubai firstly check the temperature of Dubai. Summer temperatures often hitting the high 40Cs, it can feel like you are boiling on stove. But no worries there is air-conditioning in every building in city.


Wrapping up to something never-ending Dubai is the best country to live but simultaneously, it has some strict rules. But rules are for good in a different way; so before moving towards Dubai, deep dive into research. Therefore you can live your life without any trouble. And Pull your socks for a happening lifestyle.

In Dubai, you will never have time to get bored. The lifestyle is nonstop -able. Everyone is having a long list to do work for the day. Be ready to experience a full luxurious lifestyle, there you will find world-class building architecture Business Hub, luxurious villas, and apartments.  You can consider Dubai a smart city like nowadays they are giving more preference to technology in every aspect of life. Dubai is a city that never sleeps and actually more alive at night rather than in daylight.

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