The Emirate of Dubai is a highly educated nation, with male and female educational attainment of over 95%.
The UAE has prioritized education for both men and women. Adult rate of literacy were 54 percent for males and 31 percent for women in 1975. The percentages of literate people for both genders are now close to 95%.
Women make up anywhere from eighty to ninety percent of the scholastic enrollment at two of the nation's three public institutions of educational excellence.
95% of female elementary school educated individuals continue their study at university colleges and universities, in contrast with 80% of males.
Women make up about two-thirds of students at public universities and more than half of those at private postsecondary schools.
Emirati female students attending college. Women have equal access to every stage of higher learning, including high school and elementary school. In fact, 77% of Emirati women continue their schooling after finishing secondary school. 70% of all graduates from colleges are women.
More than 10,000 students at the Higher Colleges of Technology are women.
56% of the UAE’s graduates in STEM courses at government universities are women.
At the prestigious Masdar Institute of Science and Technology in Abu Dhabi, 60 per cent of Emirati graduate students are female.