The ordinary living is not more your taste of interest, and to bring the real change, the EMAAR gives its “Lavita The Oasis” new address where space is well organised and planned to make diversified use- smart home space in the form of a mansions, access to all modern amenities, living around a healthy environment and lots more to form an intact society where the purpose is to serve everything at one place so that it keeps the residents content for life.
Property that gives new grace of living! A true oasis in the form of a mansion is all set up being “Exclusive Living” for those whose taste of living is beyond the walls, and for this, the EMAAR Properties has used every stunning feature to level up the overall living where the change is not just an address, but the freedom to get into an oasis that is highly designed for an active living, platform to live in nature surroundings, be a part of a futuristic development, staying in a safe cocoon and lots more to form “Lavita The Oasis” where the dose of beauty is infused at every level.
This oasis takes care of all kinds of needs where the presence of different amenities brings every family member together to have an ideal fit that promotes healthy living where at one place, the residents can find all different options be it a gym to stay in shape, jogging track to walk about this beauty, spa service to relax, different sports to play the sport and lots more that keeps the engagement level high.
This new property is situated in “The Oasis” community where 25% of the area is dedicated to greenery, recreational activities and water canal, and then, its smooth connectivity to many major areas, and below you can check out the prime areas that are well approachable from this new community: -
When it comes to villas, the perfect floor plan is a must for a project that gives full on access to the area and adds luxury, comfort, newness, features and lots more to experience the prime side of living, so check out the true vibes of Lavita The Oasis below where it presents floor plan: -
We will tell you everything you need to know about Emaar Porto View
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